Featured Projects

Regional Water Providers Consortium Members. Portland, Oregon Area
City of Gresham
City of Milwaukie
City of St. Helens
South Fork Water Board (two)
Onsite Water has provided Mobile Emergency Water Systems to members of the Regional Water Consortium in the Portland, Oregon area.
The systems are self-contained in a mobile trailer and include on-board power generation. They can be towed to almost any water source, including ponds, creeks, rivers and wells, to provide potable water to the consortium member’s clients. The systems can be set up in less than 30 minutes and can produce 30,000 or more gallons per day. The system also includes a multiple tap distribution system.
Most of the systems were funded with federal grants with help from the Consortium and the Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization.
Gresham News Story
Trailer treats water on the go.
Gresham’s new high-tech trailer isn’t for camping. The Emergency Mobile Water Treatment System is a self-contained water treatment system on four wheels. “This trailer will allow us to treat water if we have to from ponds, creeks, rivers or wells,” said Robin Pederson, Water Services Coordinator. “It can be set up to produce 30,000 gallons per day of drinking water in less than 30 minutes, depending on the water source.” Treated water from the trailer could be distributed to the community at different locations. “Delivering safe water to our citizens is a top priority, and as a City we try to be prepared,” said Kelle Landavazo, Emergency Manager.
September is National Emergency Preparedness Month, and we encourage everyone to build a supply of water at home. “In a real disaster, it might realistically take days to get the water treatment trailer mobilized, so doing some of your own preparedness is smart,” Landavazo said.